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Extended Controls 6.1.2
JustBit Srl
"Extended Controls is a great app. By far themost useful widget I have ever used" (computersight.com)"The best way to have the silent mode on Samsung Lollipop""What’s in a name? Everything. Extended Controls is definitelythe best settings widget app that I have come across and there arequite a few available at the moment" (appstorm.net)"None of the other apps have as many functions and options asExtended Controls. The long list of widgets, the amount of variousdesigns and its user friendliness make Extended Controls a realmust-have!" (androidpit.com)-----Extended controls is THE MUST HAVE APP for every Androiduser.The application provides highly customizable widget with more than30 controls.Extended Controls provides user-friendly graphic interface and aeasy configuration manager.With its features user can customize his widgets and he canbeautify your fantastic Android smartphone.Extended Controls improves batterylife using an innovative featurecalled "Battery saver"Features:- Custom backgrounds (from your gallery or download a set ofbackgrounds from the web);- Widgets transparency;- A lot of different icons;- Edit existing widgets;- Direct Home shortcuts;- Customizable colors & labels;- On/Off dividers;- All tablets supported;- Different widgets size (over 10 toggle for any singlewidget);- Different indicator type (standard or circular)- System Info Widget (RAM, CPU, Network, ext-memory, etc.)- Notification Widget (like Samsung Galaxy S3 and S4)Advanced features:- Widgets sliders with double arrow, to beautify your homescreen;- Widgets controller on App Drawer (Extended Controls -> Widgetoption);- Active widgets in notification bar;- Stack Widgets list;- Widgets in notification bar;- Possibility to remove widgets size from android menu;- Disable static indicator;- Widget preview of your widget on configuration activity;- Share your widgets with main social networks (Facebook, Twitter,Google+, etc.)Profiles mode:- Save your widgets and load it whenever you want!!!!As we know Android provides a widget that allows you to enableor disable these settings:WiFi,Bluetooth,GPS,Sync,Brightness.With Extended Controls, Android Power Widget can be improvedallowing users to add main settings:- 2G-3G- 4G (WiMAX only for EVO)- APN (Rename APN, Direct Mode or Settings Shortcut)- Wifi (with indicator label)- Bluetooth- Brightness (High customization, with custom seekbar, labelpercentage, native mode)- GPS- Auto Sync- Auto Rotate- Fly Mode- SD Scanner- NFC- Silent Mode- Vibration Mode- Timeout- Stay Awake toggle- Flashlight (Torch) available on (Sony z3,Note 4, Samsung S5, HtcOne, Nexus 5, Nexus 6 Verizon, Mobile, Nexus S, Galaxy Ace,Fascinate, LG Optimus, Atrix, Arc, Samsung Galaxy S2, MotorolaPhoton, HTC One, Sony Xperia Z, Sony Xperia Z1 Galaxy Nexus, Nexus4, Nexus 5, Motorola X, Nexus 7, Nexus 10,Galaxy Tab 3, Motorola G,Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy Note III and others)- Mount USB- AlwaysOn feature- AutoLock- Reboot (only for root users!! bootloader, normal or fastboot,confirm dialog)- Battery- Locale- Hotspot Wifi- USB Tether- LockPattern- AudioManager- Lock Screen (turn your screen off)- Direct Shortcut app (All activities or applications)- Haptic feedback- Volume manager (All volumes controls)- Shutdown (Only for root users)- Contact direct call- System info (RAM, CPU, memory usage, SDcard free memory)IMPORTANT NOTES:- For any updates or news you can follow us onFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/ExtendedControlsGoogle+: https://plus.google.com/+JustbitItTwitter: http://twitter.com/ExtControls****** WARNING *******- Read Contact & Call permissions is used to add a "DirectContact Call" toggle within widget. Without these permissions isimpossible to call a contact with one-click.The Read log permission is used into Issue Manager to allow user tosend bugs of ONLY Extended Controls app.**************************
NIVEA Milano 3.0
JustBit Srl
Let NIVEA guide you through a new Milan. Findout all information about the NIVEA Sightseeing Blue Bus service,catch the nearest NIVEA Bus Stops and explore the thematic pathsstudied by NIVEA for you.NIVEA Milano is the app thought by NIVEA for you and all visitorsof Expo Milan 2015, to give you a new point of view of the city ofMilan, letting you see its most authentic soul.NIVEA Milano will come with you during your trip with suggestionsand advices.NIVEA SIGHTSEEING. The app supporting NIVEA Sightseeing Blue Businitiative, the exclusive tour of Milan offered by NIVEA. You willhave a real-time vision of your position along the path, you couldfind the nearest NIVEA Bus Stop and know the time-table of thenearest NIVEA Sightseeing Blue Bus Stop.NIVEA PATHS. You could discover the most interesting and typicalplaces of the city following one of the thematic itineraries NIVEAthought for you. Choose the most fitting path for you, follow theitinerary through the stages suggested by NIVEA and enter to getinformation at each point on the path. You will just have to answerfew questions to discover your NIVEA PATH, the perfect itineraryfor your needs.WEATHER. Look up at meteorological information and NIVEA advices onthe rightest products for you to take care of your skin in everysituation.YOUR GIFT. Find out the gift NIVEA thought for every visitors ofExpo Milan 2015. Use the app to find the nearest NIVEA Bus Stopwhere to pick up your gift. To get it, you will just have to showthe app view to the staff at NIVEA Ape cars.NIVEA wishes you a nice trip.
Tablit 1.0.4
JustBit Srl
Tablit è un portale di prenotazioni onlineattraverso il quale l'utente registrato può scegliere, senza alcunalimitazione i posti, i giorni e gli orari in cui andare a mangiareal suo ristorante preferito.L'utente dopo aver pagato 5 euro la prenotazione del tavolo,riceverà dal ristoratore lo sconto del 30% sul conto, incluse lebevande.Con questo servizio innovativo tu risparmierai il 30% su ogniconto, il ristoratore aumenterà le sue entrate annuali attraversoun'affluenza maggiore di clienti e noi, grazie alle commissioni,continueremo ad ampliare la gamma dei ristoranti e a garantire unservizio sempre unico.Tablit is a bookingportal through which registered user can choose, without limitationplaces, days and times to go to eat at his favoriterestaurant.The user after paying 5 euro reserve a table, the restaurant ownerwill receive from 30% discount on the bill, including drinks.With this innovative service will save you 30% on every account,the caterer will increase its annual revenue through greaterturnout of customers and us, thanks to the fees, we will continueto expand the range of restaurants and to ensure a service that isunique.
Ciroc on Tour
JustBit Srl
Scarica l’app ufficiale di CÎROC e segui iltour 2016 nelle principali città d’Italia!Scopri tutti gli eventi in programma, trova le iniziative di tuointeresse e ottieni le informazioni di dettaglio sull’evento, comeorari e indirizzo.Conferma la tua partecipazione alle serate con un “tap”.Con il photobooth CÎROC condividi la tua esperienza con gli amicisui tuoi profili social, scattando foto personalizzate per ognievento tramite l’app. Scopri cosa condividono gli altripartecipanti attraverso il Social Wall, la finestra virtualesull’evento dove sono raccolti tutti i messaggi e le foto delleCÎROC Night e delle Blue Night e continua a partecipare al raccontocon le tue immagini.Con l’app CÎROC puoi:- consultare tutti gli eventi e visualizzare in tempo le reale lenuove tappe,- ottenere tutte le informazioni di dettaglio sull’iniziativa econdividerle sui social,- confermare la tua partecipazione agli eventi di tuo interessetramite il tasto “Partecipa”,- condividere foto personalizzate direttamente dall’evento,- accedere al Social Wall per visualizzare tutte le foto scattatedurante il tour.L’uso di questa applicazione è consentita solo aimaggiorenni.Consuma CÎROC responsabilmente.Download the official appof Ciroc and follow the tour in 2016 in major cities ofItaly!Discover all the events scheduled, find initiatives that interestyou and get the detail information about the event, such as openinghours and address.Please confirm your participation in the evenings with a"tap".Photobooth with Ciroc share your experience with your friends onyour social profiles, taking custom photos for each event throughthe app. Discover what they share other participants through theSocial Wall, the event virtual window where they collected all themessages and photos of Ciroc Night and Blue Night and continues toparticipate in the story with your images.With the app you can Ciroc:- All the events and the real-time display the new stages,- Obtain all the detailed information on the initiative and sharethem on social,- Confirm your participation in the events of your interest via the"Join" button,- Share personalized photos directly from the event,- Access to the Social Wall to view all photos taken during thetour.The use of this application is only permitted to adults.Ciroc consume responsibly.
Ballroom 1.1
JustBit Srl
L’applicazione ufficiale di Ballroom è pensatanon solo per fornire informazioni sulla rassegna ma anche perprenotarti agli eventi e condividere le foto.Scaricando la app, potrete innanzitutto essere costantementeaggiornati su quali sono gli artisti in programma, e ricavare tuttele informazioni sui protagonisti che giorno dopo giorno animerannola manifestazione.Ancora grazie alla app, potrete prenotare la vostra partecipazioneai singoli eventi e ricevere i QR Code (i “codici a barredigitali”) che vi garantiranno un accesso rapido a Ballroom. La appvi consentirà inoltre di raccogliere i vari QR Code di prenotazionein un unico ambiente, in modo da averli sempre a portata di mano:una volta arrivati all’ingresso dedicato in piazza Lauro de Bosis,basterà prendere il vostro smartphone, aprire la app, e mostrare ilcodice lì contenuto.L’applicazione ufficiale di Ballroom vi permetterà anche discattare foto e condividerle attraverso i vostri profili social;tutte le foto verranno inoltre raccolte nel nostro social wall, siasu questo sito che nell’apposito spazio all’interno del ForoItalico.The official applicationof Ballroom is designed not only to provide information about theevent but also to rebook to events, and share photos.By downloading the app, you will first be constantly updated onwhat are the artists in the program, and obtain all the informationon the players that day after day will enliven the event.Yet thanks to the app, you can book your participation inindividual events and receive QR Code (the "digital bar code") thatproviding quick access Ballroom. The app will also allow you togather the various QR Code booking in a unique environment, so youalways have them at hand: when you arrive at the entrance dedicatedto the streets Lauro de Bosis, just take your smartphone, open theapp , and show the code contained there.The official application of Ballroom will also let you takepictures and share through your social profiles; all the photoswill also be collected in our social wall, both on this website andin the space inside the Foro Italico.
Meeting SA TIM 1.0.6
JustBit Srl
Con l’app puoi:- consultare tutte le informazioni sull'evento,- visualizzare le informazioni sugli altri partecipanti,- partecipare al Q&A facendo domande in tempo reale,- condividere foto personalizzate direttamente dall’evento,- partecipare al survey- rimanere sempre aggiornato tramite le comunicazioni push.With the appyoucan:- See all the information about the event,- View information about other participants,- Participate in the Q & A by real-time applications,- Share personalized photos directly from the event,- Participate in the survey- To be updated via push communications.
MBI EVENTS 2017 1.0.2
JustBit Srl
L'app Mercedes-Benz Events 2017 è pensata per gestiredigitalmentegli eventi organizzati da Mercedes-Benz. Registrati econferma latua partecipazione all'evento a cui sei invitato,riceverai il passdigitale per l'accesso e per partecipare alleattività di gaming.Consulta la tua agenda e ottieni le informazioniriguardanti lalocation, la mappa e su come come arrivareall'evento. Interagiscicon l'evento con domande durante la Plenariae rimani sempreaggiornato tramite le Comunicazioni. Partecipa alleattività,sblocca le Room e rispondi al questionario, potrairaccoglierepunti e scalare la classifica durante l'evento.
Cerved Events 1.0.3
JustBit Srl
Una sola app per gestire e rimanere aggiornati suglieventiorganizzati da Cerved. - Iscriviti direttamente dall'app egestiscipiù velocemente gli accrediti - Scopri tutti i dettaglideglieventi a cui vuoi partecipare (speaker, orari, agenda...)​ -Tienisotto controllo i tuoi accrediti direttamente da mobile -Rimaniaggiornato su cambiamenti e novità - Condividi fotodell'evento
JustBit Srl
Resta sempre aggiornato su tutte le promozioni attive pressoglistore Euronics NOVA e su tutti i titoli disponibili in preorderaprezzi esclusivi. Non perdere le iniziative organizzate a Romaenel Lazio per gli appassionati del mondo gaming, come il NOVAFIFACUP, il torneo gratuito di FIFA. Con l’app NOVAGAMERSpotraigestire i tuoi preordini e le registrazioni aglieventidirettamente dal tuo smartphone, ricevere comunicazioniepromozioni esclusive.
Aqualand del Vasto 2.0.0
JustBit Srl
Fun in the liquid state into the largest water park southofdowntown!